I am my vessel

Today I listened to a Romanian rapper called Connect-R.
I am amazed by the amount of talent, very on-point inspiration, and truthfulness in his new songs. This, coming from a guy whose talent was always obvious, but who never cared to peel the layers and reveal his vulnerable and beautiful soul. The clip was filmed in the mountains – a story of a man returning to nature to find himself and The Divine within all living things.
So I remembered something that I first understood more than 10 years ago: I AM MY VESSEL and home is where I find myself, even if it kind of feels I’m falling through the cracks of this society and never quite fit in as I truly am.
The people around – just fellow happiness seekers, our souls – little dim lights striving to grow closer.
Light as a feather, riding the flow.
Non-attached, loving, simple.
Saying No as you please, saying Yes as you desire.
Refusing conformity, looking both deeper and broader, embracing both light and shadow, as they join for you to BE WHO YOU ARE.
That simple, this hard.

(56) Connect-R ⭕ Liviu Teodorescu ⭕ Cedry2k – Inapoi La Zero (Special Guest Dorel Visan) – YouTube

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